Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Department
குறு, சிறு மற்றும் நடுத்தரத் தொழில் நிறுவனங்கள் துறை

Implementation of Quality Control Orders

In order to implement the provisions of the Quality Control Orders issued by the Government of India, District Industries Centres at respective Districts are engaged in creating awareness among the, consumers to use quality electrical products and implements. The Quality Control Orders are the Household Electrical Appliances (Quality Control) Order, 1981, Oil Pressure Stoves (Q.C) Order, 1997 and Electrical Wires, Cable, Appliances, and Protection Devices and Accessories (Quality Control) Order, 2003.

Contravention of the order mentioned first above is punishable under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955, whereas the order mentioned second prohibits the manufacture or storage for sale or distribution of specified items without the marking of the Bureau of Indian Standards. Contravention of this Order is cognizable and attracts penal action under Bureau of Indian Standards Act 2016.

The General Managers of all the District Industries Centres / RJD Chennai have been appointed as the “Appropriate Authority” to implement the provisions of Quality Control Order 1981 ,1997 & 2003 in respective Districts.