35% capital subsidy ( Not exceeding Rs 1.5 crore) on eligible project cost
Project cost include land, plant, machinery, testing equipment and computing devices with cost of land not exceeding 20% of project cost. Vehicles shall be considered if it integral to the business process
6% interest subvention for loans to procure machinery and equipment during the tenure of loan not exceeding 10 years. Interest subvention will be upfront and given to banks
Working capital sanctioned for the project shall be eligible for interest subvention for a period not exceeding 2 years
Cover projects without credit linkage also and in such cases capital subsidy will be released back ended
No bar on beneficiary to claim additional capital subsidy from schemes operated by agencies not controlled by Govt. of Tamil Nadu
Beneficiaries belonging to SC/ST communities (100% owned by SC/ST persons)
Covering new and expansion of existing enterprises
Covering Trading related projects which are above the threshold of assistance under the existing Unemployed Youth Employment Generation programme